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Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Sairch Spadalaye
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December Newsletter [Paca Test]

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Sairch Spadalaye

Hello everyone, and welcome to our monthly newsletter! This one's a really big one, so buckle up! We have some fun things both here and on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you all!

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What's New
Big thank you to our moderator, @sweetstuff for their ongoing coding work on the site! Some of you may have noticed some of the new features they have added already, but in case you missed it, here's what's new:

  • Character Folders: You can now put your characters into custom folders! To do this, simply go to "My Characters" under the "Home" dropdown in the navigation bar and create folders, assigning your characters to them. If you wish to sort your folders, all you need to do is click and drag your characters; the folders undeneath your characters will determine which order your folders are in on your profile. Remember to hit "Save Order" at the bottom of the page to keep your progress!
  • Profile Feature: Following the folders, in the same page at the very bottom you will see a new section labeled "Selected Character". Choose one of your characters from the dropdown and hit "Submit" to have one specific paca featured on your profile next to your bank and inventory.
  • Gift Art Notifications: You can now be notified for any time someone includes your characters in a submission, and in turn, notify others when you include their characters in a piece. In the submission menu when you add a character in, if the character does not belong to you, there will be an option to "Notify User". Selecting "No" will not notify the owner of the art/writing, but selecting "Yes" will notify the owner of the character that you included them in your piece
  • Criteria Rewards: You will now get bonus leaflets for every prompt you submit! All you need to do is click on the new button in the submission page, "+ Criteria", and select the options that apply to your piece. Remember to add these to every submission! Mods can only edit filled out criteria, and we cannot add any to a submission that doesn't have any in the first place!
  • NPC Dialogues: NPCs are silent no longer! We've installed a new feature that will let you read through NPC talking, narration, and even some lore in a style similar to virtual novels! Our first public release of this is actually below in this very update!
  • Birthday Rewards: Now on the first of every month, any user who has a birthday during that month will automatically get a birthday gift delivered into their inventory. Open the box to get 2,500 1-icon.png, 3 2-icon.png, and a special super rare birthday-exclusive pet designed by our lovely @nokkelborth !
    NOTE: You must have your birth month set visible to logged in users at the minimum for the system to detect your birthday and give you your gift on rollover!


Major Updates
Leaflet + Shop rebalance
We've very recently had a major update regarding the balancing of the leaflet economy, as well as making things more accessable in shops to users. In this update, you will notice:
  • User, shop, and prompt payout leaflet values have all been multiplied by 10
  • You can now get anywhere from 10 1-icon.png to 300 1-icon.png from Monet's Daily Roll!
  • Farm crops now yield 3x their original selling prices, and Coop / Barn produce now yield 4x their orignal selling prices
  • Coop and Barn animals can now be purchased at Darling's Market for 100 1-icon.png instead of 2,500  1-icon.png, making it easier to fill up your farm slots!
  • Elixirs and MYO Cores for already-owners have been added to Barrie's Berry Shop, and the Rare MYO Bundle has been removed. The already-owner MYO Core will reset once a month and isn't static to one-time-only!
  • Oleras that can be purchased with leaflets have lowered from 4 on resetting stock to 2
  • Dubious Berries, Forbidden Berries, and Olera Berries have increased slightly in price from 35,000 1-icon.png to 45,000 1-icon.png for Dubious berries, 60,000 1-icon.png to 75,000 1-icon.png for Forbidden Berries, and 14,000 1-icon.png to 25,000 1-icon.png for Olera Berries
  • Commeli Berries, Salix Berries, Minmites, and Whirs have also all been reduced in prices from 2,500 1-icon.png to 1,000 1-icon.png for Commeli Berries, 4,500 1-icon.png to 2,500 1-icon.png for Salix Berries, and 2,500 1-icon.png to 1,500 1-icon.png for Minmites and Whirs
  • Subspecies berries have been added to the Cash Shop! Dubious Berries are available for $120, and Forbidden Berries are available for $200
  • Wonderous Gifts bought from the Cash Shop now allow you to select what item you get from it!



With the addition of Criteria Rewards, our prompts have seen some big changes as well, and we still plan to improve prompts further!

  • Minmites and Whirs have retired from being add-on bonuses, and are now classified as regular pets. All existing Minmites and Whirs have been converted into boxes that you can open to get a pet version of them, name them, and attach them to your characters!
  • Shading is no longer required for submissions, but instead counts as an extra you can do!
  • All prompts (with the exception of improvement and ARPG prompts) can now be commissioned, and no longer just Self Portrait and A Lovely Gift. Just state that the piece was commissioned in your criteria by turning the "Commissioned Piece" switch on; you will not get the full bonus rewards that you would by creating a piece yourself, instead getting a portion of that amount (You will still recieve the full base-rewards of the prompt!) You may not submit artwork that you were paid (money, site currency, pets or item trades) to do. 
  • Winter Cheers, Spring Party, Beach Party, and Harvest the Best are retiring from prompts! Instead, we will now feature a new prompt similar to their simpler variants, Cup of Warmth, Spring Flowers, Heat Wave, and Autumn is Here when they are rolled over. Seasonal prompts roll over from autumn to winter on December 21st, so be sure to get any Harvest the Best submissions in before then, because next year it will be replaced!
  • We have added a new "Miscellaneous Pacapillar Submissions"  prompt that you can submit an unlimited amount of time for any pacapillar pieces that do not apply to other existing prompts.
  • Events with prompts are going to become a more regular thing. We loved seeing the love the Mirage Festival and Soulbloom Feast got, and we have no plans at stopping just there!
  • We are trying to bring more life into our beloved NPCs again, and are in the works of planning special ARPG prompts where you can interract with the NPCs and get special rewards for completion. Stay tuned for further information!


Soulbloom Feast Wrapup
Soulbloom Feast is now officially over for 2023. We hope everyone enjoyed this event. Be sure to stick around for next year's release in which we will strive to make it better for users. We've heard every suggestion following the event, and will work to make things better for everyone. We hear you and appiriciate your feedback!

Congratulations to @ for winning the Special "Seasons Change" Monster Pacapillar raffle created by @tornpages . You will be transferred the character shortly and @tornpages will send you a message with the full-resolution file of your new bean! We really loved seeing everyones amazing crafts, and you guys really blew us away with your creations!

Candy collectables are now tradeable and can no longer be sold for event currency. You can now trade with other users to try and complete your collection! Were you able to get all 10?

Thymes shop will remain open for a little bit yet if you still have event currency candies you want to trade in, and will close in exactly one week and any reamining candies currency will be deleted so that more focus can be spent on the Boreal Wishes event. Thyme is here to stay however! She is a permanent NPC you can include in your pieces freely!


Current Event
snow_crystals_mini.png Boreal Wishes snow_crystals_mini.png
December 1st, 2023 - January 31st, 2024
snow_crystals_sparkles.png?ex=65715849&is=655ee349&hm=8b807432b0da15d33dde01d0e6b192c9213b5cc8014da950c4773156c50c9fd4&= As winter rolls into season, Chrysalopolis drifts into the north, causing the floating city to become rather cold, snow even falling from clouds higher than the city and creating a frigid, yet beautiful blanket of snow over the land. Pacas are starting to move indoors more where it's warm, often enjoying things like cuddling under a blanket with all their pets, or experimenting with different flavors of hot cocoa! The holiday season truly nears however pacas start to see stunning rainbow lights dance across the night sky, marking the start of Boreal Wishes, a season in which pacas gather together and put aside their differences, often giving gifts to each other to celebrate, and throwing huge parties in the middle of the season to ring in the new year. The Boreal Wishes season is most certainly the most joyous time of all.


December Prompts
  • Winter Activities [20 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 25 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Northern Light Show [15 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 20 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Gift Wrapping [5 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 10 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Time to Decorate! [5 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 10 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Songs of Joy [5 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 10 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Snekket Little Helpers [5,000 1-icon.png + 5 2-icon.png]
January Prompts
  • New Year's Party [20 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 25 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Blanket of Snow [15 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 20 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Blanket Fort [5 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 10 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Cozy Up [5 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 10 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
  • Paca's Best (Plush) Friend [5 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55& - 10 snow_crystals_mini.png?ex=65701537&is=655da037&hm=7aa20d758479dca04f09010570f64679ddb425898b8a94a101d6469141bc7d55&]
All-Season Prompts
  • Gift Giving [1,500 1-icon.png + 2 2-icon.png]

Shop Stock


Design Schedule
  • Special holiday themed flatsale raffles by staff members
  • Auctions by guest artists, @bearwithglasses , @dearryufur , @narra , and @grifforik
  • Free and site currency raffles by staff members
  • Designs by @nokkelborth . As always, Nokkel’s patreon usually gets first looks at designs and are normally eligible to make claims in advance, so if that interests you, we recommend taking a look.
  • As always, we may sneak in some surprise designs, some of which may be discord only, so watch out 👁️


Character of The Month

G-0970 : Pizazz

Pizazz is a fun loving Paca with a lot of curiosity and a great sense of adventure. He dives right into the action and sometimes gets into trouble for interrupting when he’s excited. His biggest weakness is an irrational fear of blunt instruments due to an incident when he was confused for a piñata and his dream is to become a real dragon!

Submit The Prompt!

Creature Feature

Pawoo (Barista)

The Barista Pawoo is a variant form of it's predecessor, and has a love for being a barista! As the originator of popular pets like the Cattucino line, this creative critter takes great pride in experimenting with new flavors. Just don't let it catch you dozing off, or you might find it sneaking some caffeine into your drink!

Submit The Prompt!


Did you know that by pledging to @nokkelborth 's Patreon for as little as $5 a month, you can gain access to exclusive Pacapillar rewards? By pledging, you can look forward to rewards such as: lushiehewwo.png
  • Surprise capsules containing new pets created that month
  • Gold Berries you can use on-site in the Alley Shop
  • Access to exclusive commissions and customs done by @nokkelborth
  • Early access to viewing and claiming adopts before the public
And rewards only get better at higher tiers!



[!] be continued...[!]